International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics (IJIIP)
(ISSN Number(Online) - 2687-7902)
(ISSN Number(Print) - 2689-484X)

Volume4 Issue2:

Arduino And Ultrasonic Sensor Based Smart Dustbin For Efficient Waste Management

Kinshuk Ganguly*,Subhajit Saha, Snehal Ghosh, Abhiroop Sarkar* , Debayan Ghosh, Soumya Pachal, Aditya Mukherjee, Rohan Bhati, Ankur Debnath, and Debraj Ghosh
Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata-700091

*Email:[email protected]
[email protected]
Page Number: 1-9

Designing an effective and hygienic waste management system utilising an Arduino-based Smart Dustbin is the goal of this project. The trash can is divided into two sections: a permanent section that houses all the electrical parts and a detachable cover with a moveable flap. Two ultrasonic sensors, a servo motor, a breadboard, a buzzer, and an LED light are all parts of the system. When an item is detected by the first ultrasonic sensor, the servo motor is activated, lifting the flap for contactless trash removal. When the threshold is surpassed, the second sensor, which checks the garbage level, turns on the LED light to indicate that the bin is not yet ready for use.The motor is dormant and a buzzer alerts the user to empty the bin if they try to dispose of garbage during this period. By limiting the spread of bacteria and odours and ensuring that the trashcan is constantly accessible, the system provides an effective and environmentally responsible solution. It is simple to copy and apply in different settings to enhance waste management procedures. It is simple to empty the trash since the lid can be removed without harming the electrical components.

Keywords:Smart Dustbin, Arduino, Ultrasonic sensor, Servo motor


A Design of Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Asmit Bandyopadhyay* , Akash Kundu, Dip Parua, Arijit Barik, Anusmita Pa
Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata-700091
*E-mail: [email protected]
Page Number: 10-19

Obstacle detection and avoidance can be considered as the central issue in designing mobile robots. This technology provides the robots with senses which it con use to troverse in unfamiliar environments without do morging itself. In this paper on Obstacle Avoiding Robot is designed which can detect obstacles in its path and maneuver around them without marking any collision. It is a robot vehicle that works on Arduino Microcontroller and employs ultrasonic distance censor to detect obstacles. The Arduino board was selected as the microcontroller platform and its Software counterpart, Arduino software, was used to carry out the programming. Being a fully autonomous robot, it successfully maneuvered in unknown environ- ments without any collision. The hardware used in this project is widely available and inexpensive which makes the robot easily replicable.

Keywords: Arduino UNO,Motor,Battery


Automatic Car Parking System

SagnikSengupta*, ShramanLahiri, SoumyadipBhunia, SakibAkhtar, SagnikRaha, RounakChakraborty, Ritam Bhattacharya, SaptarshiSaha, AnushkaMuhuri, SayantanHazra, SamanyuDeghuria
Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata-700091
*Email:[email protected]
Page Number: 20-22

This device is capable of automatically locating the open, vacant parking spaces. In an automated automobile parking, if the slot is unoccupied, new cars are permitted to enter; otherwise, if the system cannot find an empty slot, the entry is blocked with a servo barrier.

Keywords: : Arduino, automatic, parking, efficient

Solenoid Engine

Rajashik Datta*, Arkamitra Das, Surjyanshu Ghosh, Sayan Saha, Sankhadeep Das, Shuvro Dey, Sohom Saha and Sahil Roy
Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata-700091
*Email:[email protected]
Page Number: 23-26

Given the impact on the environment as well as financial considerations like the gradually rising cost of liquid fossil fuels, maintenance, and other costs, electric vehicles are becoming a more and more appealing option to vehicles with combustion engines. Due to the fact that these cars are well renowned for having zero emissions and being fueled by renewable energy. The project's goal is to replace the current electric motor with an alternate electric vehicle primary mover. Generally speaking, EVs are propelled and controlled by the fusion of electrical, electronic, and mechanical components, but their primary propulsion system is its electric motor. By transforming electrical energy into kinetic energy, an electric motor operates according to the electromagnetic induction theory. An electric motor's primary function is energy conversion, and this actuator is widely used in most EV designs. Therefore, the electric motor will be replaced with a solenoid as the prime mover. A solenoid prototype is created, constructed, and tested for this. A kicking mechanism will be made of the solenoid. A solenoid has been studied as a shooting mechanism in prior investigations. One study looks into the solenoid as the best kicking mechanism. The solenoid was created and optimised in the other investigation. A prototype solenoid is created and tested in this study.

Keywords: solenoid, EV- electric vehicle, kicking device



Arkaprabha De, Samya Dutta, Tanistha Panda, Kunj Gupta, Subhraneel Das, Prakriti Mukhopadhyay, Riddhiman Dey Sarkar, Upalabdha Sinha, Shirsadip Das, and Swastik Chattopadhyay
Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata-700091
1*Email: [email protected]
Page Number: 27-31

Increased water pollution has had a negative impact on marine flora and fauna, as evidenced by the extensive coral reef damage, declining aquatic life populations, and extinction of several species. Concerned authorities have taken action to control the problem and stop it from growing worse, although widespread application has not yet been carried out. This is a little gesture on our part to support the cleaning campaign. This boat will be specifically made to remove all surface water waste from water bodies. The boat will successfully clean the water body by collecting any trash in its course and storing it in its cavity, which will then be emptied manually on the land. Through the use of the custom-made Poseidon software, the boat will be able to change directions. Thus, the primary goal of this remote-control boat is to maintain the cleanliness of the water bodies around. This is a little effort on our part towards a healthy and pollution-free environment.